Odbranimo reke Stare planine!!!

This organization fights to preserve the rivers and waterfalls of Stara Planina (Serbia).

The Republican government plans to build hundreds of small hydroelectric power stations in the proclaimed Nature Park and beyond in Serbia and run picturesque mountain rivers in pipes.
This project would permanently disrupt the Nature Park for the sake of gaining less than 1% of the electricity needed by Serbia, and the money from the electricity produced in this way would end up in the pockets of a small number of private individuals.
Regardless of party, ideological and other differences, they joined the Defend the Old Mountains group in an effort to prevent it.

Stara planina is the tourist jewel of Serbia and instead of pumping rivers in pipes it should be invested in access roads, tourist projects and production of healthy food and water. Let's preserve this unique exotic oasis of red earth, clean water, waterfalls and untouched nature for all of us and our children.
Against River Destruction!!!

Say NO to MHE!

More info at: Facebook:  Odbranimo reke Stare planine https://www.facebook.com/groups/1925328764350247/

Mi se borimo za očuvanje reka i vodopada Stare planine. Republička Vlada planira da u proglašenom Parku prirode i šire u Srbiji sagradi stotine malih hidrocentrala i živopisne planinske reke provede u cevi. Ovaj projekat bi trajno narušio Park prirode zarad dobitka manje od 1% električne energije potrebne Srbiji, a novac od tako proizvedene EE bi završio u džepovima malog broja privatnika. Bez obzira na stranačke, ideološke i druge razlike udružili smo se u grupu Odbranimo reke Stare planine u pokušaju da to sprečimo. Stara planina je turistički dragulj Srbije i umesto u trpanje reka u cevi treba uložiti u pristupne puteve, turističke projekte i proizvodnju zdrave hrane i vode. Sačuvajmo ovu jedinstvenu egzotičnu oazu crvene zemlje, čiste vode, vodopada i netaknute prirode za sve nas i našu decu. Molimo Vas da nam u tome pomognete. Snimite kratak klip podrške za očuvanje reka i prirode, objavite status ili pomenite u javnom nastupu jer vaša reč se čuje dalje... Protiv uništavanja reka - reci NE za MHE! Hvala unapred i stojimo Vam na raspolaganju za dalje informacije: Odbranimo reke Stare planine https://www.facebook.com/groups/1925328764350247/