One day at the "Musica Music Institute" in NEPAL !!
One day at the Musica Music Institute in NEPAL !!
We are together!!!!
The Musica Music Institute is a free music school located in Lalitpur, Nepal and supported by the Playing For Change Foundation. The program offers classes in modern music to children and teenagers from the area. With 10 staff members, Musica provides mentorship and classes in keyboard, vocals, guitar, bass and violin. The Musica Music Institute also supports local artists by producing videos and posting them on their Youtube channel, with almost 23,000 subscribers.
#MusicaMusicInstitute #ManuChao #LuckySalvadori #MiguelRumbao #PlayingforChangeFundation #Playing4Change #MeDuele #BombaStereo
@luckysalvadori @miguelrumbaoserrano @PlayingforChangeFundation @Playing4Change